Reducing crime and creating safe neighbourhoods

Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has helped keep Suffolk crime rates low with a record number of police on the streets. But we can do more, and I will argue for a fairer funding settlement for the Suffolk Constabulary. This will boost police numbers and mean more police free from desk admin and able to tackle crime.


Visit to Kesgrave

Friday’s first visit was to Kesgrave where I met with Stuart Lawson, Manager of Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Rod Gibson, Trustee of KWMCC and Jo Abbott, Clerk to Kesgrave Town Council to hear about the great work taking place to support the local community. We discussed KWMCC’s plans to

Tackling rural crime in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich

Our local area has 1425 police officers- a huge increase in funding under the Conservatives. Tackling crime, anti-social behaviour and stopping rural crime - these are all things I will work hard on as your MP. Vote Patrick Spencer on 4th July.